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Student Access and Achievement

FLVS Foundation STEM camp “Exploring the World of Modeling, Simulation, and Training” provides great benefits to full-time students!!

The FLVS Foundation is thrilled to report that our STEM Camp, in collaboration with STARBASE and the National Center for Simulation, was a wonderful success! This two-week program provided an engaging and educational experience for underrepresented full-time students in grades 5-10 from Orange, Seminole, and Osceola counties. The camp focused on the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, aiming to inspire and cultivate a new understanding of all the careers available using learned skills from these fields.

Throughout the program, students had the opportunity to explore various STEM subjects through hands-on activities, experiments, and interactive learning sessions. The students explored cutting-edge technologies at STARBASE Central Florida, including flight simulators, a virtual reality gaming system, an interactive augmented reality human anatomy display, an Army augmented reality topography sandbox, and Boston Dynamics' Spot, the agile mobile robot. They worked with high-tech laptops, which they received as a valuable resource to continue their STEM pursuits even after the camp concluded.

Thank you to the FLVS volunteers who helped make the camp run smoothly as well as Lindsey Spalding, the Director of STARBASE and Education for the National Center for Simulation, who made this all possible. And, thank you to Truist Foundation for their support in providing the laptops for the students. Below are photos from the camp.

Access to Technology

Nearly 60% of Florida’s 4 million children are either living in or near poverty, or in households that are one missed paycheck or lost job away from not being able to meet basic needs. Here at FLVS, we believe that your zip code should not determine your future success in life.

FLVS Foundation seeks investments to provide technology access, connectivity and scholarships for the underserved, under resourced, and challenged students.

FLVS Foundation has provided laptops and WiFi hotspots to FLVS students who otherwise would have been unable to access FLVS courses. 

FLVS Foundation strives to bridge the gap so that every student has access to a personalized, world-class education that prepares them for a successful future.

Laptop for Learner Application